My cousin Naomi is visiting from Utah with her 4 little ones, so yesterday my dad & I took all the muchkins with my little sister Kayla & our nephew Alex to Chuck E Cheese. They had a blast! I was happy to get my nephew for the weekend, who's now 22 1/2 months. I can't believe how much he is growing up! He is getting so talkative. He's starting to become a little parrot, repeating everything you say! I had so much fun with that when my little sister was at that age! Fortunately for Alex's mom, that was 10 years ago and I've matured a bit since then! (maybe)
Trying to countdown for Sgt Wally's return, but not really sure when his definite return date is! I'm going with June 13th, which gives us a little over 6 weeks left. These last several weeks are feeling like an ETERNITY! I am so ready for this deployment to be over and never have to count my days with my husband again. I've had more than my fill of tearful goodbyes.